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Guest Piece: The Power of a High Five
Several weekend mornings in the fall and spring, you can find me on the side of a race course with a poster, cowbells and a thermos of...
2018 Fall Class Offerings!
I cannot believe this summer is coming to a close.... seriously where did the time go??? Having said that, I am SO excited for this fall....
Instructors: Get Ready For Fall Now!
Even though the summer solstice literally just started and you probably haven't even taken that long awaited vacation, it's time to start...
Summer Class Offerings!
“Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.” ― Helen Keller Happy summer everyone! Isn't this time of year so...
Free Download: Roll the Dice Drill
Looking to shake up your cycling drills? Try what I like to call the "Roll the Dice" drill. Pick a song with a simple verse/chorus,...
Formatting Your Instructor Notes for Cycling Class
There are many different schools of thought on how to format and/or teach a cycling class. What cues/drills are good, what cues/drills...
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